Art Projects

Concept and content creation.
Art does not demonstrate to people what they should do. It reforms by projecting a blend of imagination and reality that influences the way people think and live. 
The recent events in Rafah, Gaza, have been tragic and devastating. On May 28, 2024, an Israeli airstrike targeted refugee tents in Rafah, leading to numerous deaths and injuries among displaced civilians.
"Behind the screens" is an AR Filter published on 25.11.2020 - at the International Day against Violence against Women and Girls. Filters can reduce little flaws but filters cant reduce pain.
The Mediterranean Sea is considered one of the busiest routes in the world. No other body of water is so seamlessly monitored. Yet boats sink in the middle of it, overloaded with people hoping for a better future in Europe.
The right to freedom of expression has been defined as a human right in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and international human rights law by the United Nations.
However, there are nations that restrict this human right, monitor activities in ways that invade privacy, and persecute critics under the guise of fighting extremism.
The trend of people taking pictures with famous individuals has become increasingly prevalent in today's society. While it may seem like harmless fun, it raises questions about the nature of our relationship with fame and the way we value certain individuals over others.
Three of the most famous villains taking a selfie is a dark reflection of our society's obsession with internet fame. 
There are people, who would kill for a picture with ...
There are people, who would kill for fame.
The Umbrella Movement - In the context of the Hong Kong protests in 2019 umbrellas turned into shields against the pepper spray and tear gas of the police & become a political symbol of resistance against the government.
"The Pantone Color of the Year reflects what is happening in society around the world, and it expresses the hope that people find answers in color, "
- Laurie Pressman, vice president of Pantone Color Institute​​​​​​​
"The Pantone Color of the Future reflects what will happen around the world and expresses the consequences of climate change."  
- Luca Thaesler, digital artist
US American racist police violence came to a sad climax with the death of George Floyd on May 25, 2020, in Minneapolis in the US state of Minnesota. White police officer Derek Chauvin killed George Perry Floyd, an African American man lying on the ground, by kneeling on his neck with his full body weight for nine minutes and 29 seconds, squeezing the air out of him until he died.
An incident that sadly divided the country even more.
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